
Get your articles in front of your customers

Organize into categories
Organize Into Categories

Organize your articles into different categories. Sort your categories so you can guide your users what to read first.

Public or Private

Keep articles in your private knowledge base and/or allow them in your publicly available knowledge base. You can keep your articles as draft, or publish them but select what medium they are enabled on.

Available on

Fragment widget
Our Fragment Widget

Have a particular complex feature or confusing setting?

With our fragment widget, you can open a modal window with an article to explain the deeper concepts.

Our Page Widget

Our page widget allows you to set a hotspot across your app, and if you have an article for that specific page we will show the hotspot. When clicked it will open a modal window with the article.

Page widget

Simple Embed Widget
Our Simple Embed Widget

Not everybody needs an advanced integration.

With our simple embed widget, we will embed at the edge of your browser to give clients quick immediate access to your knowledge base.

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create an account with our 45 day free trial